The SampleSmart Blog

SampleSmart is a biospecimen procurement company. We source biological samples for life science researchers to use in their R&D studies.

What are biospecimens, biological samples and biosamples?

Human biospecimens are biological materials that are obtained from living or deceased human subjects. Biospecimens are commonly also referred to as biological specimens, biological samples, biosamples or samples. All of these terms are used interchangeably. Some examples of human biospecimens include blood, urine, stool, tissue, cells, saliva, swabs, or DNA. Biospecimens are widely used as part of routine clinical care (ie. diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring), and in life science research (academic and commercial).

If you’re interested in learning more about biospecimens, check out our more detailed articles on the following topics:

1. Types of Human Biological Samples

In this post (Types of Biological Samples), you’ll find a summary of each of the main types of biological samples and we provide examples of the types of research where they’re used.

2. Where to Source Biological Samples?

In this article (Where to Source Biological Samples?), we give a more in depth look at the different places where a researcher can source biological samples and we discuss the pros and cons of each.

3. Biospecimen Collection: Prospective vs Retrospective

In this post (Biospecimen Collection: Prospective vs Retrospective), we discuss the two main types of biospecimen collections used to source samples for research, and we provide examples of when you would use each collection type.

What we Do at SampleSmart

SampleSmart is a biospecimen procurement company. We source biological samples for life science researchers to use in their R&D studies. We work with a worldwide network of biospecimen providers, ranging from direct partnerships with clinicians to academic and hospital biobanks to commercial biospecimen providers. This allows us to source samples across all disease areas (including oncology, cardiology, neurology, immunology, respiratory, infectious diseases, orphan diseases…) and all biospecimen types (including FFPE tissue blocks, slides, fresh/frozen tissue, fresh/frozen blood, serum, plasma, isolated cells, CSF, bone marrow aspirate, swabs, DNA, RNA, protein lysates…). Check out our How We Work page to learn more.



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Who Uses Human Biological Samples?

Human biological samples are biological materials that are obtained from living or deceased human subjects. Some examples of biological samples include blood, urine, stool, tissue, cells,

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SampleSmart is a biospecimen procurement company. We source biological samples for life science researchers to use in their R&D studies.

biospecimens urine blood tube

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Who Uses Human Biological Samples?

Human biological samples are biological materials that are obtained from living or deceased human subjects. Some examples of biological samples include blood, urine, stool, tissue, cells,

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